Reframing Failure
How do you feel about failure?
When you learn, grow and create a life you want to live you will encounter failure along the way. Failure can be scary and uncomfortable, but it is something that we have to move through and it makes reaching the other side all the more sweeter.
If you ever feel yourself avoiding something new or stepping outside of your comfort zone because of the fear of failing, I want to urge you to instead reframe it.
Every step towards putting yourself first, prioritising your dreams and taking yourself into new and exciting things is a step forwards, even if it is a ‘failure’. Each misstep takes you closer to an aligned step.
One of my favourite quotes is “the biggest risk in life is taking no risks at all.”
So, how can we become more comfortable with failure?
I have asked three people who inspire me their thoughts on this topic:
Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher for Introverts
“Failure is hard, and fear of failure held me back for so long. Finally I realised that the regret of not doing something is so much worse than trying it and failing. Failing can still feel pretty bad but reassessing, and building something new from a failure feels even more special.”
Holistic Nutritionist & Personal Trainer
“The word failure has negative connotations but I’d argue that it’s one of the most beneficial things in life - it’s what nudges us along the path of growth. When something I do doesn’t work out the way I wanted or expected, I see it as a lesson and an opportunity for improvement.”
Founder of Rhimani
“Failure is an important part of growth.
How can you become a better person without learning form mistakes?”
How do you feel about failure now? What are the differences, if any?
Sometimes just looking at things from a different perspective helps it become more approachable.
If you want to be intentional about feeling more comfortable with the uncomfortable feeling of failure download a copy of the Intention Planner here for free to help you.
Follow this series to hear all the juicy insights and golden nuggets of wisdom from these wonderful people. I am always inspired by the people around me, which inspired the idea of getting their thoughts, insights and ideas together around various topics that support in living a happy, confident and fulfilling life.
Get in touch to let me know if there are any topics or questions you’d like us to cover:
Hey, I’m Marina
I combine the practical & spiritual to create clear, exciting direction to support my clients in accelerating
towards fulfilment & happiness.
My mission is to make it easier for you to know how amazing & magical you are so you can show it to the world.
I look forward to connecting with
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