That ONE THING that makes your week great

How to Stay Cool, Calm, & Collected

How great is that feeling when you get to the end of the week super proud & satisfied of all the brave action you took, the fun you had and steps you took towards your goals.

Hey, I’m Marina

I combine the practical & spiritual to create clear, exciting direction and support my clients in accelerating
their journey to fulfilment & true happiness.

My mission is to make it easier for people to know how amazing &
magical they truly are so they can
show it to the world.

I look forward to connecting with


Intention changes the game.

Intention is the opposite of following the crowd, repetitive daily actions and thoughts (think zombies on a hamster wheel). When you use intention you break away from the ‘shoulds’ and move into the magic space of consciously aligning to what you want to create and bring into your life..

There are two major steps to using intention - alignment & commitment.

Here is where to start…

  • Small actions - become intentional in small moments

  • Rest - instead of falling into the trap of “productive downtime” be intentional about really resting & recharging

  • Direction for your energy - have an intention related to your goals in mind when planning your time

Want to know how to use intention with Alignment & Commitment? Help yourself to this free download:

Don’t forget to join the waitlist for the brand new MEMBERSHIP launching later this year.

This is the space for magical growth, intentional self-development and exciting content.

Make your way to the portal below:

It can be ‘easy’ to forget about this and get into the habit of sleepwalking through your week… before you know it you’re in the last few months of the year and can’t remember when you were last really intentional about your plans… scary.

So what’s the secret?

What is the one thing that gets you closer to this feeling?

So, how are you going to get intentional and create that fab feeling? 🔥