Building Self-Love

The most important relationship in our lives is our relationship with ourselves. How is your relationship with yourself?

Self-love is not easy, but it is important.

So, what actually is self-love?

Self-love is NOT thinking you can do no wrong and that the sun shines out your arse. True self-love is both supportive boundaries and courageous challenges, it is compassion and choosing to do the uncomfortable with the intention of learning and growing.

How can we make loving ourselves easier?

I have asked three people who inspire me their thoughts on this topic:

Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher for Introverts

“What’s really helped me to build a stronger, kinder relationship with myself has been allowing myself space to feel all emotions good and bad, and inviting self-compassion when feeling low or frustrated”

Alex’s Website
Alex’s Instagram

Holistic Nutritionist & Personal Trainer

“Journalling has been a vital tool in my journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance and self-love. I like to write a stream of consciousness, without prompts, and just feel into what comes up.”

Clarissa's Website
Clarissa’s Instagram

Founder of Rhimani

“I’ve never found this one easy. The thing that helps me is intentional self-talk. My advice is talk to yourself positively. Eg. ‘Come on, you’ve got this’”

Izzy's Website
Izzy's Instagram

What are you going to do this week to build your relationship with yourself?

If you want to be intentional about building self-love download a copy of the Intention Planner here for free to help you.

Follow this series to hear all the juicy insights and golden nuggets of wisdom from these wonderful people. I am always inspired by the people around me, which inspired the idea of getting their thoughts, insights and ideas together around various topics that support in living a happy, confident and fulfilling life.

Get in touch to let me know if there are any topics or questions you’d like us to cover:

Hey, I’m Marina

I combine the practical & spiritual to create clear, exciting direction to support my clients in accelerating
towards fulfilment & happiness.

My mission is to make it easier for you to know how amazing & magical you are so you can show it to the world.

I look forward to connecting with

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