A Lesson in Confidence
Let’s start by establishing that confidence is a learned skill.
This means that EVERYONE can have it.
Like with any skill, building confidence takes time and effort. You have to want to do it and have a desire to grow in it.
What stops us building confidence? It can be connected to limiting beliefs, your comfort zone (feeling safe in what you know…despite it being uncomfortable), comparison. The people (‘stars’) that flood our phone and tv screens tend to have major confidence. That sneaky voice in our head may tell us we are not capable of it, or it’s not worth the effort.
While, realistically, going from 0 to 100 in confidence overnight may be miraculous - taking little steps every day will get you closer to your most confident self quicker than you may think!
Want to know more about how to do this?
I believe in both understanding and going to the root of the intention to accelerate whatever it is you want to create. Confidence is is rooted in self-awareness, self-love, self-trust and support from other people never goes amiss.
Start building these and surround yourself with supportive people and confidence will begin to grow naturally.
I have asked three people who inspire me what they would tell their younger selves about confidence:
Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher for Introverts
“I wish I could tell my younger self that it’s okay you’re not brimming with confidence right now. For some people confidence comes with time, experience and practice. In the future you’ll gain enough confidence to do what you love, and then it’ll feel extra special.”
Holistic Nutritionist & Personal Trainer
“I’d tell her to stop trying to figure out who she is and just BE. Be herself, completely. The right people will get it and the wrong people won’t, and that’s ok.”
Founder of Rhimani
“Confidence will come from doing the best you know. You’ve got this.”
If you could have a chat with your most confidence self, what advice would they give to you?
If you want to be intentional about building your confidence I would love to invite you to the Confidence Workshop I am running in December (2022) - sign up here. And for ongoing support, download a copy of the Intention Planner here for free to help you.
This post is the final in this series of juicy insights and golden nuggets of wisdom from these wonderful people. I am always inspired by the people around me, which inspired the idea of getting their thoughts, insights and ideas together around various topics that support in living a happy, confident and fulfilling life.
Get in touch to let me know if there are any topics or questions you’d like to hear about:
Hey, I’m Marina
I combine the practical & spiritual to create clear, exciting direction to support my clients in accelerating
towards fulfilment & happiness.
My mission is to make it easier for you to know how amazing & magical you are so you can show it to the world.
I look forward to connecting with
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